

  • English B2
  • German B2+  


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • .NET
  • PHP
  • Jenkins
  • Redis
  • Next.js
  • SQL

About Me

I am software engineer who has passion in continously learning new techologies and tools with project based model. I catch up with new developments, technologies and tools in software industry and add them into my know how pool. I am passionate and creative handling problems. Learning and teaching is at the center of my life. I have professional experience working with a team and end up projects. I always try to take iniative and accountability in my tasks. I deliver the expected performance and results int expected deadlines.



2023 December - 2024 March

I have worked in Onftech for 4 month where we developed fintech applications such as online document management, anti money loundry, government and central bank gateways. Our product were in production in many banks located at KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and other middle east countries like Egypt and Afghanistan. I actively contributed to software development, CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins, deployment, qualtiy and assurance, logging, test and production environment configuration and maintenance. I gained experince working in agile framework. I also got used to technologies and tools like Jenkins, Postman, Active Directory, Load Balancer, Redis.

Asist Yazılım
2022 June - 2023 September

I have worked for Asist Yazılım for around 2 years. I had valuable full stack web software development, team work and customer relation experiences. I participated in development processes of ERP integrated solutions, such as B2B and B2C e-commerce integrations, RFID sales and inventory integrations, logistics and delivery integrations, warehouse management and digital manufacturing systems. I also had role in customization and testing of these products.